

God has blessed us with more than we could ever need. He has not blessed us so we can have the latest iPad, game console or a new car. We have been blessed to be a blessing.

Keep up with our adoption journey and get a peek into the Hollingsworth household.


Q: Why would you spend $25K-$50K to adopt a child from another country, when you could adopt a child from the US foster care system for free?

 A: Our hearts go out to all children who need a family. However, we feel that orphans in the US already have an advantage over children in other countries like Russia, Ethiopia and Haiti (to name a few). For instance, when children age out of the Russian orphanages, 10% of them commit suicide and half of the girls are forced into prostitution.

Q: What gave you the idea to adopt?

A: Yes, I have gotten that question, actually twice today. Both times it kind of took me aback. Everyone knows about adoption, right? I guess some people assume only those who can't have children of their own consider adoption. I don't know, it almost seems normal to me. Maybe because one of my best friends in high school was adopted. But all the credit has to go to God. He commands us to take care of the widows and orphans. No, that doesn't mean that every Christian is supposed to adopt. But for us, that is what we feel led to do. God has adopted us into His family through the blood of Jesus. He has blessed us and given us more than we could ever need. By America's standards we may be in the lower middle class. But compared to the rest of the world, we are rich. God doesn't bless us so we can buy the latest iPad, or the biggest house in the neighborhood. He blesses us so we can bless others.