

God has blessed us with more than we could ever need. He has not blessed us so we can have the latest iPad, game console or a new car. We have been blessed to be a blessing.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

Just Another Update

I know it's been a long time since my latest post. We've simply gone through a couple of months of getting our new wait list number. Our official end-of-July number is 15! Our unofficial number-after-3-new-referrals-already-in-August is 12! As you can see, things are picking up. But they could always slow down again. In my last post I wrote about how less referrals all over Ethiopia is good because it meant there were less orphans. Well, I was wrong. The slow-down is was not caused by less children needing homes. It was caused by the more diligent paperwork it takes at getting the kids "referral ready."


  1. Um, no. The slowdown is caused by Ethiopia (under pressure) cracking down on illegal/unethical adoptions -- kids with extended families that are "harvested" so that Americans like you can purchase them. You must be so thrilled to be spending upwards of $40k to support corruption and human trafficking in Ethiopia (you know, the evils directly associated with international adoption).

    But that's okay! The lords timing is always perfect!! And when PAPs ignore very direct signs from the lord -- well, karmAs a bitch:

    The sweet lil etiopian orphan they "rescued" recently killed their dog (sociopath much? There's no help to be had. I do love divine retribution!!!

    Be blessed!!

    1. Who are you and what connections do you have with Ethiopia and the world of international adoption? What do you do for the country of Ethiopia whose statistics are sickening? In Ethiopia there are approximately 4.6 million children missing one or both parents. 1 in 10 children die before their first birthday. 1 in 6 children die before age 5. What "signs" are you referring to? Are you a Christian? I am. In Christianity there is no such thing as karma. You either do what you are called to do, or God will get someone else to do it.
